Saturday, February 25, 2012

Change of Plans...Honeymoon in Jamaica!

Due to increased warnings for travel in Mexico, Corey and I decided to travel to Jamaica instead! We found a great deal through Costco, and we'll be staying at the Hilton in Jamaica! It's an all-inclusive deal for 6 nights! We're excited! Neither of us have ever been to Jamaica! Praying for good weather and no storms. It should be a great time! :) At this time we already have our flight booked!
This past week I've spent some time looking into videographers. This was something I wasn't originally interested, then I stumble across a video by The Wedding Theater in December and it totally changed my mind. This is the video I saw: [VIDEO] Jenny+Tim’s Star Hill Ranch Austin TX Wedding. I totally fell in love and decided I should look into getting our wedding video taped. I talked with Jonathan of The Wedding Theater, which is based out of Texas, and he was very helpful. Unfortunately it was not in our budget to fly him up here, but he graciously offered to give any help he could by giving second opinions on videographers I found in Portland. I've been emailing with him more this week and he's given me some great feedback. I'm very appreciative of his willingness to help, I'd definitely recommend The Wedding Theater to anyone in Texas looking for a videographer or anyone with a little bit larger wedding budget.

Also leaning toward using Costco bulk flowers and doing our own. That would hopefully save us some money and allow us some leeway in the budget to help cover videography. Still thinking of using Famous Dave's for catering. Also looking for a DJ this week. So much to do! Only 162 days left! I'm getting so excited because it's finally coming more quickly. Corey's been looking for jobs as he's finishing up school and we're starting to look for places to live. I've just been praying a lot that God will provide and that we will trust in Him and do all we can to do our part. :)

1 comment:

  1. Jamaica sounds like so much fun! I think doing Costco for flowers is a great idea, that is what we did for our wedding, (by the way if you need block style vases, let me know lol). Just make sure that you have the flowers delivered as late as possible as well as ordering more than you think you will need. Unfortunately the flowers for our wedding were delivered a day early so by the wedding day the roses were fully bloomed which i didn't want and some started dying... needless to say Chris spent our wedding day morning running around finding white roses lol. It sounds like you have been busy with planning, you're doing a great job and congrats again!!
