Thursday, July 5, 2012

We Applied for an Apartment

Today Corey and I set off to look for a place to live. Our wedding is exactly 1 month from today and we were starting to get a little anxious (perhaps me more than him), that we didn't have a place lined up yet. I was excited and thought apartment hunting would be fun. It was a bit fun, but also very interesting, a bit sketchy at times, and slightly stressful. But we found a place! It's more than we wanted to spend, but it feels like a safe place and the property is well maintained. It was very important to both of us that we find a place that I would feel safe being alone at if Corey has to work late or whatever. Once we finally decided, then it was really exciting. We applied and put down a hold deposit. We should hear back toward the beginning of next week, and then we can start moving our stuff over there in a few weeks if all goes well. I'm so excited! I'm sure our parents are excited to get boxes of our stuff out of their houses. Right now the office of my parents' house is filled with stuff for our future home. :)

Corey is still in the job hunt, so please keep praying that the Lord leads him to the right places. I'm praying the right doors will be opened and that everything will fall into place. God is so good. We are learning to lean on Him and trust His plan for our lives. It's a little scary getting married and applying for an apartment knowing as of now, come August neither of us will be working. But the Lord has a plan, we just need to be seeking Him and His guidance.

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