Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Time Flies

Already the middle of June! Time flies, last year at this time I was working close to 50 hours a week and planning our wedding. I'm amazed at how quickly time has flown by.

Corey's enjoying his job at Costco. Just last month (May) he was voted employee of the month at his store!!! He was nominated for April as well.

I've been working as a physical therapist aide and a developmental gymnastics coach. Spending lots of time in the car commuting between Hillsboro and Clackamas.

Summer has gone by so quickly!!! I can't believe I've already been out of school for a month. I'm sad it's already almost half way over, but looking forward to my next internship.

Other than that, not too much is new. Enjoying life. Loving getting to share life with Corey. He brightens my day.

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