Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Quite possibly the worst blogger ever

I'm not a good writer, I don't have especially interesting things to say, and I only post a few times a year... it's quite possible I may be the worst blogger ever.

OHHHHH well!

1. I graduated from PT school last month! I passed my board exam in April! Soooo... I'm officially a licensed physical therapist.
2. I'm working in an inpatient acute setting for Legacy Health!

3. Corey is finishing up a supervisor-in-training program at Costco. He is now officially full-time at Costco!

4. We're moving in with my parents this weekend for a bit to try to save up some $$$.

5. Loving the song, "Keep Making Me" by Sidewalk Prophets.
    I don't know anyone who likes the idea of feeling broken, empty, and lonely. But this song reminds me that these feelings might be exactly what I need to bring me closer to God and make Him my ONE desire. Still scary things to pray for though.

6. Lots of changes- graduating, getting a real-life job, so many friends moving away, Corey and I leaving the first place we lived together. Anyone who knows me well knows how much I love change! (Just kidding!!!!). Trying hard to not freak out, praying for peace and trust during this time. Glad that whatever comes our way, we have each other and our families. 

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