Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's getting closer!

We're narrowing in on 10 weeks away from our big day! I'm very excited. Lately we've been looking into housing for next year, either an apartment or condo, and Corey's been applying for jobs. He graduates next month and I'm so excited and proud. Although so many details of our life together have yet to be worked out (where we'll live, where he'll work, how we'll pay for things...), I've been feeling a lot more at peace about everything lately. God will provide for us. Everything will work out. And while I really struggle to remember that sometimes, I know it's true. I have to remember that worrying won't do me any good. Remembering those things and trusting in the Lord has really enabled me to enjoy this time of our lives rather than stressing over it. For a while I was going crazy. The peace God has granted me has helped me be more patient too, which has been beneficial to my relationship with Corey. This is still an area that I struggle in, but I'm working to trust in God when things are out of my control. I'm learning to trust other people more too as I trust in Corey to be our primary provider and my number one go-to. Life is good. I love how God's always teaching us something. There's always something new to learn, always growing to be done.

I'm looking forward growing together with Corey for the rest of our lives. It's been fun going through this process with him. This last weekend we spent a few hours putting together invitations. Even after knowing each other for so many years, I still learn things about him. I love learning those little things, it keeps things exciting. Anyways, we've been working on the invitations and hopefully we'll get them out in the next week! Still working on the RSVP/directions card. :) 74 days!!!!! 

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