Sunday, June 10, 2012

8 Weeks... moving on flower girl/ring bearer outfits

Quick update on the wedding planning. Getting excited, but also very nervous about all that is still left to be done!!! Ahhh.

Today I booked the hotel for the night of our wedding and the following night. Excited to have that done and out of the way.

I got my hair cut yesterday and my hair stylist and I discussed possibilities for how I'll wear my hair. I scheduled a trial run with him the week before the wedding.

Our invitations have been sent out, and I've received about 50 RSVPs... although waiting for about 250 people to let me know.

I've been finalizing the order with the florist.

I applied for my passport, it should arrive any day now.

I've started working on the programs, but it's going to be a while before they're done (have to meet with our officiant to finalize ceremony order) and then it might take a while to finish them up.

We've been working on center piece ideas ...

Then our awesome neighbor offered to help with the flower girl outfit, so we went to the fabric store today and got materials to make the tutu part! I love this cute outfit (except Karley's will be ivory on top, with ivory and light gray mixed on the bottom)! I feel so blessed that our neighbor, who I just met, is so willing to help! She even went to the fabric store with me and helped me pick out the material.

And here is what we're thinking of having the ring bearer wear :)

They're such cute toddlers in anything they wear, but I'm excited to see them in their little outfits!

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