Saturday, October 27, 2012

Our New Married Life

Quick update on our lives as newlyweds:

We returned from our honeymoon in August and finally moved into our apartment. It took us a few weeks to get all settled in, but it's home now. We finally have some decorations up now too. We've enjoyed having a kitchen to cook and bake in and I love having a washer and dryer in the unit. I've been doing a ton of baking, and Corey has been doing a lot of the cooking. I knew he was a good cook, but I didn't realize that he enjoyed doing it. I've certainly been blessed by his cooking skills :)

Toward the end of August, I started school again. Second year of PT school! I still love it- I love the people, the material we get to learn about... it just makes me excited. It's been nice living closer to school. Corey and I have also enjoyed hanging out with my classmates. I love that he's gotten to known my friends from school better, and even more that he likes hanging out with them.

Thank you for your prayers for Corey's job! He has been working at Costco now for a little over a month. It's not far from our apartment and they've been able to give him quite a few hours. This has been such a blessing and such an answer to prayer! Costco seems like a great company to be employed by.

Oh I ran my first marathon earlier in October with some friends from school. Kelsey, Nicole, Nicole's boyfriend Trent, and I ran the Portland Marathon on October 7th! I think it was the craziest thing I've ever done. Didn't break any records, I was just glad to finish. Corey woke up at the crack of dawn to drive us down town and watch us run before he had to work. My parents had us over for a giant breakfast afterward.

Not too much else is new. We're still attending Rolling Hills Community Church. Corey still loves to fish and golf, I still love to take naps. We still love watching football together-- the Beavers are undefeated! Work and school are going well. We have wonderful family and friends, food to eat, a warm place to sleep- Life is good.

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