Saturday, October 27, 2012

Wedding & Photos

Well I realized I hadn't posted anything in a long time! We've been married for almost 3 months now. Our wedding was more than we could have hoped for- the weather was beautiful, our friends and family were there, the food was delicious, and somehow all the decorations turned out just right! Thank you to all the wonderful people who helped set up, decorate, and clean up. So much work went into our big day, and I'm so appreciative to everyone who helped make it perfect! It's funny, I didn't need to stress out so much in the months leading up to the wedding. Everything was perfect, but even if the weather hadn't cooperated, if the food hadn't shown up, etc... I still would've gotten to marry Corey and that's what it was all about.

God is so so good. Over the last few months He's really been teaching me to trust in Him. I feel like Corey and I have experienced God's great provision first hand, and it has blown my mind. I still struggle with worrying and trying to control situations, but God has continued to show me He has it all under control. When I look at all He has done for us, I feel so loved and blessed, and I can't help but feel peace about the future.

Please continue to pray for us as we continue on our new journey together. Pray we will continue to grow in love for each other and the Lord, and that we will pursue Him first. I feel so blessed to get to be Corey's wife and to have such a wonderful husband to navigate life with.

Here are some photos from our wedding, taken by Joli Photographie.

 Tables set up and ready to go, complete with the awesome wooden trays my dad made.
Ceremony site with our initials. My dad and bridesmaids helped me make those.
Our first look :)    
Bridal Party 

 Wedding Ceremony :)
So happy :)

Our First Dance
Dancing with my Daddy


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