Thursday, October 29, 2015

Broken Hearted in a Broken World

Heart is breaking this week. Several things have happened that have reminded me how broken this world is. I guess this is similar to a post a few months ago, but it continues to be on my heart. Kinda just some word-vomit, not particularly organized but felt like sharing...

Today at the gym, a little girl came running in asking someone to call the police because her mom was being beaten by her boyfriend in their home across the street. She was calm and collected, as if this was an everyday occurrence. She something in particular stood out to me- she said, "I have some clothes stashed outside." No little girl should have to go through that.  What has she seen in her few years? What chance does she have if that's the environment she's grown up in and the example she's had of a man? Makes me so sad.

Recently two of my high school classmates died after suffering from drug addiction. I didn't know either of them particularly well, but had classes with one and remember laughing at his jokes.  Absolutely devastating and heartbreaking. Just shouldn't happen.

I work at a hospital near the heart of the city.  A good portion of our patients struggle with one, or any combination of homelessness, alcoholism, and meth, cocaine, prescription drug, or heroin addiction. It's easy to judge, and I've been guilty plenty of times. But I am reminded again and again, I don't know their stories. I honestly feel that under other circumstances, it could've been me in their shoes. I've worked with numerous addicts, rooted for them, hope they've stayed clean, seen some come right back. Our city has a problem with heroin. So much IV drug abuse, so many patients coming in with life and limb-threatening abscesses. The risks are huge. The drug doesn't discriminate. The power and hold it has over its captives is incredible.  I'm not sure what specific resources are available in the community (methadone clinics, treatment programs, etc.), but it seems like there's got to be more we can do as a community. People are dying and it is heartbreaking.

I can only imagine how these things break God's heart. It makes me wonder, what can I do about it? How can I love those around me? How can I spread hope and lift people up? Sometimes I feel so helpless and the world seems hopeless. But it's not true, there is hope because God has overcome the world. In John 16:33 Jesus says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

I don't have any answers. I don't think we can understand the world this side of heaven. But I know there is hope. I know I'm called to love. I fail everyday at loving those around me, but God is merciful. So much of my life and thoughts are selfish, but I'm working on it. These events have spurred my heart and sparked conversations with friends, family, and my hubby. How can we become more involved in our communities? How can we utilize our resources to meet the needs of others? How can we love each other better?

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