Sunday, November 1, 2015

CrossFit- My Story and a 1 Year Reflection

Halloween 2015, was my Crossfitiversary!!!!

I'm so excited about this, I can't contain my excitement. I'll be the first to admit it's a little ridiculous to be so excited, but I am. I just have to share a few things:

My CrossFit Story 
L-sit rope climb

I didn't know what to make of CrossFit before I started. As a physical therapist, I had heard rumors of Crossfit being dangerous and causing injuries. Honestly, I tried not to form an opinion based on that- people will talk, haters gonna hate! haha. But after 17+ years of gymnastics, I was missing the dynamic movements, the team atmosphere, and the competition. I started Taekwondo with some church friends, and I loved it- I found kicking things to be very satisfying and I enjoyed the mind-body challenge. But each day I went to TKD, I walked by this Crossfit gym, Iron Valley CrossFit- they had the garage doors open, music blaring. I walked by slower and slower until one day I finally gathered up my courage and went in. My first real CrossFit class was Halloween! The workout was Fran (21-15-9 reps of thrusters and pull-ups). I had to scale the weight down. The workout took me 6+ minutes and the next day I was so sore I limped around work. It was terrible and wonderful!!  It was game over right there, I was hooked!!!

12 months later I'm proud to say I can RX (do the "prescribed" 65 lbs) Fran in 2:59. I have improved in strength, speed, and endurance. I have learned several new movements. But perhaps the most valuable "gains" I've made are the friendships and confidence I've found.

Hanging out at my first competition- Nick, Travis, Jayme, and me
I love my gym family.  There is something wonderful about sharing the pain and awesomeness of a terrible workout. I'm so grateful Jayme, Travis, Nick, and the whole gang welcomed me in right away. I think maybe the "burpee broad-jump mile" in the freezing cold was a test to see if I could hang ;) I know this crew has my back, and I have theirs.
Photo-bombing a first-dance selfie at Jayme and Travis' wedding

3-person team comp- 2nd Place!

The confidence CrossFit has brought me was a bit of a surprise. Believe it or not, prancing around in a leotard much of my life didn't always make me feel great about my body. Something is different about CrossFit (other than the obvious wardrobe choice) and I'm proud of my muscles now. It feels great to hit a PR and make progress, I feel capable and strong. Also, as a bi-product of the workouts (during most workouts my heart rate hangs out in the "fat burning" zone), I've become more toned than I was during my gymnastics years. That doesn't hurt the confidence either. ;) Plus, there is something amazing about throwing some heavy weight up over your head during a snatch.
Pre-CrossFit 2014             1 Year of CF 2015

At my gym, Iron Valley CrossFit, I've seen people transformed- both physically and metaphorically. Numerous members have lost 20+ pounds, are able to run a mile without stopping for the first time in years, are enjoying working out for the first time in decades. I've heard a member say his back pain is gone, another gal was thrilled to share she's no longer pre-diabetic. It's awesome to see people excited about health and fitness, and to celebrate their achievements with them.
Travis coaching the class on rope climbs

Questions People Bring Up
Is CrossFit for everyone? No. Can CrossFit be adapted and modified to fit almost anyone's skill level and goals? Yes. You should see some of the masters level athletes... maybe by the time I'm 60 I'll have abs like that! haha. Check out this story of a 76 year-old with multiple joint replacements and a cardiac condition (76 year-old CF). I challenge you to take a few minutes and watch this awesome video by CrossFit from the Working Wounded Games or this video from I Am Adaptive. Don't limit someone else. If you are looking for a CrossFit gym to help you achieve your goals, ask questions to make sure the coaches are qualified, let them know of any injuries, pre-exisiting conditions, or concerns you have. Coaches, I challenge you to be able to admit when you aren't sure how to best coach someone. If you have an athlete with needs you're unfamiliar with, discuss it with them, ask for help from colleagues.
Celebrating lifts with Jayme
Yes, Crossfit can be dangerous. Life can be too! In all seriousness, I recognize it's probably more dangerous than some other athletic activities. But, you can minimize those risks- find a good coach who can teach and enforce good form, be a student and study the movements, check your ego at the door- don't lift weight or attempt movements you aren't ready for, and listen to your body. But please, don't knock it if you haven't tried it and please don't discourage others from participating.
Ring muscle-ups during a WOD with Travis

The End...
I'm definitely not the strongest person. Strength remains a weakness, but I'm proud of the gains I've made. A year ago my back squat was 155# and my front squat was 120#, now I can back squat 220#, front squat 190#, and overhead squat 185#. A year ago I couldn't do a single ring muscle-up, last week I did 30 ring muscle-ups in 7 minutes and 7 seconds. Still have a long way to go, so much room for improvement, but I'm loving it. I love the challenge, the environment, the competition, the people... I'm so thankful to CrossFit and my Iron Valley CF gym family including my hubby Corey, Jayme my workout partner, and Travis my coach and the gym owner. You guys all rock!
Hiking with Corey, Jayme, and Travis

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