Saturday, October 15, 2011

We Picked a Photographer

I have been agonizing about picking a photographer for the last 10 weeks! I love pictures. I take photos all the time and it's so important to me to have great photos of my wedding. So I really wanted to make sure we had a photographer that not only had a lot of experience, high quality equipment, and took stunning photos, but that we felt comfortable with and had a great personality. It's tricky though, because wedding photographers can be so expensive! I narrowed it down to 3, but it was so hard to pick. All three took beautiful photos! Corey helped me decide what was most important, but he let me make the decision. I'm so excited that Lianna and Jordan of Joli Photographie will be taking our wedding pictures! They are an awesome husband and wife team, passionate about photography. I met with Lianne a few weeks ago and I just got so excited about our wedding just talking to her about it. Their photos are gorgeous! Here are a few from their website:

Also, Corey and I picked up his ring from the Shane Company a few weeks ago! Very exciting. We don't have all the details figured out, but I think we have the basics. We have our rings, someone to marry us (John Garrick), a place to get married, a bridal party, my dress, and we're in the process of booking our photographer. Oh I guess we have invitations and some lights too. Just need to work on stuff like food, cake, clothes for Corey and the bridal party, a DJ, decorations... all that jazz. Less than 10 months! We've been working on the guest list today! Tough work! We'd love to be able to invite everyone! I've been so busy with school and Corey with school and work that we haven't had much time to work on anything lately.

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